Four Pillars of Relationship



THE ENABLERS (Male parameters)
Awesome bank account – for her maintenance
Wonderful wheels – to take her shopping in style
Tall and handsome – to captivate her
Great job – to sustain the maintenance
Six pack body – to consummate the attraction and for performance
Captivating oration – for the initial toasting and for confusing her
Fantastic sense of humour – you need it to joke about her demands

THE ENABLERS (Female parameters)
Exquisite well-aligned body with a bit more on the front and rear – for the process of attraction to start
Flat tummy – for him to rest his glass of wine on
Great straight legs – in case he needs a ruler
Enchanting smile – to put him off his naughty intentions and captivating excuses
Good education – so that he doesn’t confuse you with his intelligence
Hardworking – you need to work hard if you want to go shopping
Appreciativeness – to say thanks to a N200 recharge card or an Iranian hair

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